Monday, August 30, 2010

Minutes from YRSP of Delco meeting 8/24/10

August 24,2010
7 pm
Cheezum’s home
Jim Cheezum
Steve Daluisio/Peg Conner
Margie Harper
ATTENDEES: Jim Cheezum, Margie Harper, Steve Dalusio, Peg Conner
EXCUSED: Donna Stewart

1) 501 c3 document for Fundraising
2) Web Page “”- Steve D
3) Resources
a. Margie will keep a running list of any resources gathered by the group so please forward all resources to
4) First Responder/ER training programs for local ER’s /Task Force Conference
5) Group Membership
a. Start to get a program together to present to the kid
b. Start to get a program together to present to the teachers, staff and church fellowship
c. Program at St. Gabe’s

1) Formalizing meeting minutes- Margie
2) Official group name voted as Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention of Delco.
3) 501c3 documentation will be sent to Jim, filled out and returned to Dale Emmy for tax ID number.
4) $300 donation that was received from Tom Whitmer was given to Margie for PO Box and opening the group bank account. Margie will talk to Donna Stewart about getting the account open within the next week. Preferred account stated to be Franklin Mint Credit Union.
5) Web site- Steve has already registered and he will also register Steve wants us to get ideas together for the next meeting as to what put on the website. Steve suggests the members go to Delco Suicide Prevention and Awareness task force to get ideas for our website.
6) International Yellow Ribbon day September 10th. 1) Talk to Kathleen McCullen and see if we can get Yellow Ribbons posted at Interboro High School. 2) have announcement about the day and introducing the group to be placed in local church bulletins. Announcement written at the meeting and will be sent out with these meeting minutes. Jim, Peggy and Steve will distribute the announcement to local churches.
7) Press Release- Jim will take the press release to Mary Wascavage for her review.
8) Task Force Conference- Jim will present at the DCSPATF’s 7th Annual Symposium. This year’s theme will be “Teens, Social Networking & Suicide Prevention.” On November 18, 2010. This has teamed up YR with the Jason Foundation. The Jason Foundation will give us access to groups wanting assembly type presentations.
9) Group Membership- Tabled

Next Meeting discussion:
Web page workout
Information on International YR day
Next Meeting:
September 7, 2010 7pm,
Place: Cheezum’s home

and we're off!!!

ok here we go.
To update all, we now have a PO Box at Prospect Park. The box number is 192. I have a key and Jim will have a key. I also attempeted to open a bank account and was unable to do so. We will need out tax id number, meeting minutes and a copy or a charter, by-laws or letter of purpose. Donna and Steve have agreed to be the ones to sign checks so once vacations are over they will be able coordinate a time and open the account.
Ok I think that covers toays events.
Hope all we well and life is going well for you all...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

With the school year getting ready to start, we need to hold a meeting, regroup, reenergize and reunite. Thoughts?

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I received a $300.00 donation yesterday from Tom Witmer. For those who may not know Tom, his father founded the Prospect Park Termites. I have known Tom sice I was a kid. Recently, while margie and I were on a sailing trip with Tom, we were discussing Yellow Ribbon. Seems Tom has a good friend whose son is very depressed, Tom and the family are very concerned that this son will try a suicide attempt. We gave him the information to presen to the family and the son. I believe this was beneficial in assisting the family "chose" the right plan for the son.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tonight's Meeting

I think given vacations and how busy everyone has been over the summer we have made some great progress. Jim gave a presentation at Taylor Hospital to some of the ED staff. It was a great presentation and was received very well. YR cards are now available in the ED along with brochures. A website is being put together, fundraising ideas are being tossed around and we have applied for one grant and will be applying for a second soon.
It is my hope that we will have a big turnout at our next meeting. We will be discussing presentations that will be made to kids, school staff and parents, International YR day and senior project information.
I'm excited with our progress and the prospects of what is yet to come.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I am putting together a member's contact list. It would be a huge help if each of you could send me you contact information . I do have Jim, Donna and Steve D's information.
Thanks for you help with this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fundraising/Home & School

I said that I would look into fundraising, but before I get to far into it I need to know about a 501(c)(3) number. A checking account is also going to be needed, and the checks should also require two signatures.

Here are the names of the Home and School Presidents for the High School Home & School it is Laurie Medendorp and Prospect is Bonnie Cleaver. I forget who it is at Norwood and I do not know Tinicum or Glenolden.